Friday, November 18, 2011

Holo Polishes Layered (again) This Time in Blue!

   Not only that, but it's a video!   I made this one a while ago but was too busy with other things to post it up.  It's great to see an Nfu-Oh and Milani Holographic shifting rainbow colors right before your very eyes - check it out!

   This can be watched in HD directly on Youtube, as well!  I must say it's kind of nice to share something I made when the sun was out and shining brightly...  The weather is turning cold again here.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

   Hello!  My name is Rochelle, and as the creator of Princessly Polished, your feedback means the world!  Leave a comment or send me an email.  Thanks for reading... stay polished!

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  1. I left you an award on my blog:

  2. Thank-you so much!! <3


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